13th Floor, Globus Center, 609 Jafar Jabbarli Street, AZ1065 office.azermds@gmail.com

Advocacy Session

The advocacy session was organized for AzerMDS by Dominika Flisek, the Environment and Health Program Coordinator of IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students' Associations). Dominika Flisek provided detailed information to the AzerMDS organization regarding advocacy and, in other words, the advocacy document. The webinar discussed the process of preparing advocacy documents, their significance, and the differences and similarities between political documents.

Dominika Flisek emphasized the importance of the advocacy document at the IFMSA level. During the webinar, the heads of the SCOPH and SCORA committees of AzerMDS, along with active and passive members, actively participated. This event taught our members how to prepare advocacy documents and how these documents can be used in advocacy work.

Throughout the webinar, small working groups were formed among the participants. The activity of these working groups taught our members how to work as a team and express their ideas more effectively.

The organization of this webinar further highlighted the significance of IFMSA and provided our members with extensive information about the work being carried out at the international level. We believe that such educational events will further enhance the knowledge and skills of AzerMDS members.


Assistant of the Public Health Committee,

Aytac Yusifli